August 12, 2009

Journal #1: Writing Experiences & Goals

My writing experiences have gone back since elementary school. It has been improved throughout my school years. I have learned a lot of different techniques of writitng, such as the 6 traits. It helps with how I write my paragraphs: introduction, 3 paragraphs as the main body, and lastly the conclusion. Along with techniques of writing, punctuation, grammar, and spelling are also important. I learned that the more you read and write, the more your writing will be improved.

My goals for writing are understanding it more easily and making it flow easily through. I also want to improve parts of my 6 traits such as voice and sentence fluency. I know that once these goals are completed, I won't have much of a struggle with wrting than how I did before.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Thea,

    Glad to hear that your writing has improved. And, yes, the more writing you do, the better you will get at it. The other variable is your reading. Reading exposes you to good writing and good word choice, so it is kind of an “automatic” way to improve.

    As for your pre-assessment: Since this is a pro-con argument assignment, you need to have an opinion, a thesis, that you are trying to prove. Right now, I can’t tell whether you are for or against using technology in the classroom. The essay lists a lot of the capabilities of technology but that’s more like just repeating what’s mentioned in the article. You need to relate those technology tools to their advantages in the classroom (in which case, you’d be proving the thesis that technology should be allowed in school) or their disadvantages (in which case, you’d be proving the opposite).

    We’ll be focusing on this type of writing this year, but the foundation for it is, as always, the thesis.
    mrs s
