August 28, 2009

Journal #6: COA Poster Draft

My coming of age poster relates to my essay and relates to my growing up. My plan was simply basic put a picture of God as a background and just organize it and be creative with pictures in front of it. I decided to put effects and polaroid them to make each picture stand out and represent their own meaning.
In the poster it shows my retreat, my family, and my friends. They help build and learn more about myself inside and out. They came through with me springing into adolescence and they're going to stay with me til the end.


  1. Hi Thea,

    Nice job of including the elements in your life that help you to "build and learn" more about yourself. I think it would be good to show how you have been affected by your coming of age experience. I see why you've include an image of Christ but the poster layout seems as if your coming of age was something like going into the ministry or something...and I'm not sure you mean that? I think it's because the color and rays emanating from the figure makes it the focal point of the poster, but the intent of the poster is to focus on *your* coming of age :)
    mrs s

  2. Hey Thea,
    I love that your poster has Jesus on it. It shows me that you are passionate about your faith:)
    But the one picture not in the special effects polaroid, needs to be smoothed out because it looks a little rough around the edges. Make it look more professional i guess?

