March 25, 2010

Journal #31: What is your passion?

1. My passion would be to help others, whether its a family member or friend.

2. My experiences with helping others would be when I was young and help my grandma with her cooking and planting of flowers. She loved making oatmeal and lumpia for me and my brother and she would always ask me to help her. I would jump up and say yes. When she used to live with us she had some plants in the back that she cared and I would always help her out by watering it whenever she was busy.

3. I would like to take helping others till the day I die. I want to stretch this passion so that everyone could have a helping hand in mind. If no one has that helping person they would feel lonesome and I wouldn't want that to happen.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Thea,
    It sounds like you get a great deal of satisfaction from helping others. Have you had any other experiences outside of the home with this type of work?
    If you decide to focus on this for your project, there are many organizations that you could research to find out more about ways in which we can help others and contribute to help the world around us.
    Assessment score: 3
    mrs s
