May 24, 2010

GLO Web Page Reflection

This is the last portfolio to make out of the two years of being in the MeneMAC program. It's good to visualize how the web pages change from freshmen year to the end of sophomore year. I really liked this one because its my last web page to make and the work done will really help me for the next 2 years of high school. :)

1 comment:

  1. Thea I really liked how this was your last portfolio and put a lot of work into it. Your web page is simple but unique. I think the only improvement I would like to see is just the description of each GLO.

    The one thing I liked is the Self-directed Learner. I like how this GLO helps with your independence on your work and I think you've been doing really well. I liked the "This I Believe" essay because it still puts those tears in my eyes about your lovely auntie.

    3. Which of the GLOs would you like me to focus on in the coming year(s)?
    I'd like for you to work on complex thinking. You are good in that GLO but i know you can do BETTER!
