February 18, 2010

Poem Draft

Kharite(Graces) Sisters

Festive in her own way
With her splendor beauty no one can describe.
Pleasures and adores anyone
with her graces of good will.

Likes to dance with her "sisters"
in a circle of enchantment
with joy and laughter
that fills the room.

Finally, the happiness
that is brought upon her
is one that cannot be removed
because of the connection she has with everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Thea,
    I thought your poem was alright. It is kind of like mine, but I have to make a lot of changes. Anyways, you should put more of yourself into the poem and make more connections between you and the goddesses. You should use more detail about how you and them are alike.
    Overall, your poem is alright, it wasn't bad. I know you can do better (I don't mean it in a bad way).

    :) Jisel
