September 15, 2009

Journal #10 College Application Essay Draft

There is a time in life when everyone loses someone they love or know. It's either a parent, sibling, grandparent, aunt uncle, cousin, niece, nephew, or friend. Having to lose someone brings sadness, grief, sorrow, and weeping, because no one and nothing can bring that person back. When you receive the message that some you love passed away, there's nothing you can do but cry. Cry until the tears streaking down your face no longer fall and have puffy, red eyes afterwards. And the number one question is always "why did this have to happen?" There is no real reason why people die; its just the way of life. But what you do know is that you would need to take more responsibilites of your actions and for other people.
I had been through the stages, especially when my auntie passed away. I still remember the night we got the call from the hospital. The lady told us my auntie's condition worsened and so we had to go to the hospital immediately. At that momoent I didn't want to think anything negative but pray she's going to be all right.
The lady made us wait in the waiting room and at that moment I and the rest of my family know something was seriously wrong. The nurse looked at the ground and looked up afterward. She said they did as much as they could but my auntie's heart just stopped. Her next words she said was the same every other doctor/nurse says, "I'm sorry for your loss."
When we walked into the room where my auntie lied, we didn't know what to do but cry, wonder, and be more responsible. My auntie did a lot for us and since she isn't here to do those things we need to make sure those things will be done. She took care of us, here nieces and nephews, her father, sisters, and brother.
I still can't believe she's gone but what I do know is she's always in my heart. If I could be with here one more time I would. But until then I need to do my job and responsibilities like what my auntie had done.

Journal #9: Ophelia Speaks

Ophelia Speaks is a coming of age novel because in each chapter different girls talk about their adolescent stage in different stories. They then learn about their mistakes and make sure no one else will make the same mistake as they did. In the book there are different topics such as pregnancy, parents, siblings, annorexia, media images, etc. The book spoke to me and I think it can speak to other teenage girls so they know that others have an idea of what they're going through.

Journal #8 College Plans

For college I want to go to the mainland, especially on the West Coast, going east coast is just too far from home. I haven't really chose a specific college but I do have options of what colleges interest me listed below.

San Diego State University

Art Institute of California - San Fransicsco

Art Institute of Las Vegas

University of Calgary

Journal #3 Vent

The clock is ticking and time is running out. Tick tock. Tick tock. I still can't believe there is little time left until my brother leaves for the mainland. I still can't believe he chose to go to the air force. I'm not against him for joining, I'll be happy with whatever he wishes to do, its just the thought of someone you love going to the army gives me a frightening vibe.
My brother and I have been through a lot. Its the typical: fights, arguments, disagreements, him being over-protective, etc. Of course some people, especially girls, who have older brothers sometimes wish they had an older sister instead. Others wish they had an older brother so they can know how it feels to have someone watching out and protecting them. There was this one time I wish I had an older sister instead of an older brother because we had a BIG argument and i was soooo pissed off at him. I know that saying that will never come true but I do regret it because he is just looking out for me and making sure I won't do anything stupid of that matter.
There are also fun and stupid times my brother and I had. When I was in volleyball and basketball, he would always practice with me. Like when we're at home doing nothing, we would call up our friends and go to the park so he could help me be a better player. If none of our friends could go then it'd just be me and him or me, him, and my dad. While all of us are playing, he would make jokes and all of faces would have smiles and you would hear laughter coming out of our mouths.
Having my borther there for me through thick and thin is something I can't forget. When the call for him to leave for basic trainig comes, he won't be able to be here to look after me or be over protective about boys or anything. He's going to be miles and miles away for 6-8 months because he joined the air force. I am going to miss him but I know I can't do anything to make him stay and do something else. Until then, I'll make the most of what's left before tome runs out.