May 24, 2010

GLO Web Page Reflection

This is the last portfolio to make out of the two years of being in the MeneMAC program. It's good to visualize how the web pages change from freshmen year to the end of sophomore year. I really liked this one because its my last web page to make and the work done will really help me for the next 2 years of high school. :)

April 6, 2010

Journal #32

1. Describe a memorable learning experience.
A memorable learning experience was when I first learned how to bake when I was 9. It was a simple cake that my mom and I decided to make and while preparing it she told me secrets of baking and whatever she knew. We also talked about how things in life aren't easy to get and that you have to earn it to gt what you want. That day I learned how to bake, how everything in life isn't so easy, and that talking to my mom is like talking to a friend.

2. What is your vision of your ideal school?
My vision of my ideal school is to have an appropriate environment for students to learn in. There should be everything that could support what career the student is taking. Especially for those who know what specific career/major they are taking. For example, car engineer or nursing.

3. What do you need to learn before you graduate & how?
Before students graduate they should learn how to be independent. That is the number one thing students should learn what to do because when they go off to college they can't always depend on their parents to be there. They can start learning how to be independent by doing things on your own such as washing your own dishes, clothes, making your own meals, clean, etc. These are helpful to learn how to be an independent person.